Review: Pinocula by Obert Skye

Goodreads Blurb

For Rob Burnside, things are going pretty well. His friends are behaving, school isn’t too bad, his family’s getting along, and Janae, the girl of his dreams, occasionally notices him. Yep, life’s okay—until the lying starts.

Meet Pinocula, the new creature from Rob’s closet. He is a liar and a jokester and is determined to drive Rob crazy. Obert Skye doesn’t let his fans down in this hilarious installment in The Creature from My Closet series, which started with Wonkenstein and Potterwookiee.

My Review: Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I totally loved that the book was printed in purple letters. It has the cutest illustrations, which made the story come to life. I enjoyed every minute. Rob is very fun and weird at the same time. He has a closest that releases weird creatures to his world. The creatures, of course, love to run around the world exploring Rob’s life. Pinocula was such a great character that was very unique and inventive. Great book for young children to enjoy.

Author Biography

Obert Skye read his first book at age two. He wrote his first story at age four. And he was nearly trampled by a herd of water buffalo at age six. For a short time, he lived on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, where he spent time as a candy-taster. Several years ago, Obert Skye says, he discovered the existence of Foo. Publishing his story as a fictional series was not Obert’s first choice. Nevertheless he is content that the “history” is being told.

Hobbies and other interests: Collecting old maps, water polo, roller coasters.

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